Yes! Better to Make Mistakes In Life Than Be Sorry

When was the last time you found yourself in a circumstance where you made a mistake? Due to the fact that this will ultimately lead to the immobilisation of your dreams and goals, it is of the utmost importance that you refrain from squandering your life by attempting to avoid making mistakes.

Consequently, it is more profitable to perform a good job today than it is to perform a great job tomorrow so that you can maximise your profits.

Photo: Pexels

Note that, with all honesty, this would have been the case if they had released the third album later in the year. However, the situation that transpired in the life of the legendary rock musician Tom Scholz did not end there. People are really talented when it comes to writing and singing. Truth be told, in the deep records of rock and roll history, never before has anyone done that. He is frequently referred to as the most intelligent and talented man who has ever lived. In addition to being listed as an inventor on 34 patents, he added an academic feat: he was awarded a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). More than sixteen million copies of his band Boston’s debut album, which was released in 1976, have been sold, making it the most successful debut album in the history of music. The album was released in 1976. From the perspective of rock music history, it is also considered to be one of the albums that features the best production. Scholz not only composed and produced the album himself, but he also participated in the creation of each and every song by playing every instrument. Happily, the world has accepted that he possesses great talent and brilliance in such equal measure that no man comes close to him. It took him nearly eight years to finish the third album because he is a perfectionist to the extreme. This was the main reason for the length of time it took. CBS and Epic Records were so frustrated with the length of time it took to receive it that they decided to file a lawsuit against him for breach of contract and ultimately decided to remove Boston from their label network, which many thought was not really needed.

In the event that Jon Bon Jovi had been incapable of comprehending this principle, it is possible that his career would have been terminated before it had even begun. In 1983, he triumphed in a contest that was organised by a radio station to compete for the opportunity to record his first song. When we met him, he was only 21 years old at the time. Within a short period of time, he formed a band and released his first album, which was subsequently awarded gold certification the following year. In an unexpected turn of events, they were going to be the opening act for the concert that ZZ Top was going to perform at Madison Square Garden. They came at the ideal time to record a second album due to the fact that they were under a great deal of pressure to do so from the beginning. During the 1985’s, the movie was released, and it was met with serious feedback—I mean, backlash. The album was not to Jon’s very liking, and he desired to make improvements to it; however, the timing was of the utmost importance. Following the amicable resolution of this matter, the band proceeded to release their very third album in 1986, which was superior to the previous album in terms of both its composition and its production. Despite this, Jon was still dissatisfied with the album because he did not believe that even a single song was of a quality that was adequate enough to be included on it. To his good fortune, he paid attention to those individuals who were well-versed in the business side of the music industry. The song in question had been titled “You Give Love a Bad Name” at one point. Not only did it become one of the most well-known singles released by the band, but it also played a significant role in propelling the album to the top spot on the charts. They have sold more than one hundred million albums over the course of their career, which is a testament to the fact that they have achieved superstar status as a result of this. If they had waited until the second album was of the highest quality, it is possible that they would have lost the support of their record label before they reached the third album.

Having high expectations for oneself is not a bad thing, and having bigger or huge dreams is not either, as long as those expectations are reasonable. Until everything is exactly how you want it to be, you should not put things off until they are a perfect fit. The practice of procrastination is not tolerated. During the time that I was in Orlando for my management seminar, I was informed by an electrical engineer that he is obligated to remind the engineers that he supervises on a regular basis that there are instances in which 90 percent is sufficient.The fact that you are a brilliant inventor or a legendary rock star does not change the fact that your employer does not have the time to wait around until you get things perfect. Both the completion of payroll and the observance of deadlines are required to be done correctly.

When compared to employees who are considered to be of average quality, employees who are highly valued may not necessarily make fewer errors over the course of their employment.