Common Cardio Exercises to Improve Your Heart and Wellbeing

When the word cardio is mentioned, the first picture that comes to mind is running and jumping. While there is some truth to that, cardio goes beyond that; rather, it deals with the 360-degree wellbeing of the human body and health.

The good news is that to benefit from good cardio exercise, you need no primary instrument but rather a very good, sporty pair of running shoes. Did you know that cardio exercises can be done anywhere, provided there is some space to move the body? Dancing, running, etc., can be done without any special tools. Let me add this: music plays a good role in focus, so having a music player with you won’t be a bad idea.
Cardio exercise comes in many forms, and we will discuss more as we progress. With cardio exercise, blood is not pumped properly to other parts of the body, which can lead to diverse complications such as fatigue, stress, and even stroke in worse conditions.

Please note that, with most exercises, warming up is always the best way to start. Warming up first involves stretching and making sure your muscles are ready for advanced moves. This literally tells the body to get ready for some major beneficial exercises. It is like notifying your body of a pending activity, so the immune system get’s ready.

Running Exercise

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This exercise is beneficial; however, make sure to do it so that you have a very good running shoe. Due to the uneven grounds and floors, a good running show prevents you from injuring your foot. If you have to pay for one, please do so. Remember, your health is paramount. As said, before you start running, do a few warm-ups. Desist from eating heavily before running. Begin with some brisk walking (walking faster is normal). It set the pace for the running. Then you progress; again, do not run at a speed that makes you start losing breath. Why not run at a speed you are comfortable with, for example, one that can still make you converse? Again, if you feel like you are losing your breath, slow down until you have strength again. Having a bottle of water with you is ideal—one that you can sip occasionally.

If you are using the treadmill, great! You have the option and luxury of increasing the pace gradually. On your first day of running, depending on your strength and your body’s adjustment, you can train for 30 minutes each day, then increase each week. Lastly, don’t just take off your running shoes and sleep on your bed when you are done with the exercise. As you did initially, stretch your legs for a few seconds to relax your muscles.

Running steps.
1. Do some stretching for about 3 minutes.
2. Continue with brisk walking for about 7 minutes.
3. Increase the pace; also remember, you can do a countdown from 15 minutes on.


Cycling Exercise

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A very good cardio-vascular exercise is cycling. Again, if you are using the treadmill, that is a great advantage. However, safety must be a priority if you will be riding on the road. We need to be alive for family, friends and most of all, ourselves. If you are looking for motivation, try to find others to join you in cycling. It helps to commit to our daily progress. With cycling workouts, the length of time matters. Also, remember to get a good pair of shoes. wear, e.g.,On the bike, do well to get all the safety protective wear, e.g., a helmet, etc. Begin with slow paddling; after 5 minutes, depending on your posture, you can progress with speed paddling. Be mindful of roads with slopes.

Cycling steps.
1. Do some stretching for about 3 minutes.
2. Paddle slowly for about 5 minutes.
3. Increase the speed; also remember, you can do a countdown from 15 minutes on.

Swimming Exercise

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Swimming is a perfect workout to make you firm and trim your body if you have plans to lose weight. Due to the mechanism of swimming, it involves your whole body. This is a great way to burn some calories. It is safe to use the swimming pool. If you prefer the beach for occasional days, do make sure there is a lifeguard. It’s very important; your life is precious. Swimming stretches you, unlike running and cycling, which put more pressure on your joints. It helps with the distribution of blood circulation in the evening. As with all the exercises, begin with a slow pace and gradually increase. Remember to have some intervals of rest. For example, you can swim for 1 to 2 or 3 lengths daily. Note that one does not improve just in a day but continues progressing each day, increasing time and length progressively. Repeat the same process the next day, which helps build stamina.

Swimming steps.
1. Do some stretching for about 3 minutes.
2. Slowly swim for about 5 minutes.
3. Take some intervals of rest.
4. A duration of 1 to 3 lengths is excellent for the day.

Since cardio exercise is essential for the even flow of blood in the human body, it is recommended that each person perform at least one of the three for a period of duration, which could be 7 days or 21 days. That way, you can keep track of progress and monitor key indicators such as weight loss management. Remember not to drink alcohol or overeat whenever you try or begin these helpful tips. Have a diary to record progress. That way, you are encouraged and motivated, and it also helps you set goals.
I believe the tips are encouraging. Never worry if you don’t have a treadmill; the first two, running and cycling, can be done outdoors while considering the safety of your environment. Do well to find friends or partners; that way, you are motivated and empowered. Also, healthy competitions are set among yourselves, which ends up improving everyone equally.

I hope to hear from you via mail about how this article has impacted you and how greatly you have grown and improved. Thanks for reading.