Live Healthy: 6 Unhealthy Food To Avoid

Undoubtedly, we all strive for healthy food. Sugar is sweet when it lands on the human tongue. Food brings happiness due to its sweet nature. As we all know, the body survives on food and water for proper functioning. However, without food for some days, the body will survive; however, without water for weeks, one may start to feel deadly symptoms such as severe headaches, joint pains, and even heart failure. Many of us eat less junk and fast food and attempt to maintain a sound way of life. We exercise regularly and try to eat the healthiest foods we can. Most of us know that trans fats, white sugar, and white flour are not ideal well-being decisions, particularly if we need to maintain weight.


Sadly, some of the food varieties that we believe are sound can cause our bodies a great deal of hardship and even make us sick. The following is a breakdown of some undesirable health foods to avoid. ​

Sweet Drinks 
Advertisers would have us believe that during intense training, the body needs sports drinks, but in reality, sports drinks are packed full of sugar (sucrose, glucose, and fructose), salt (potassium and sodium), and artificial flavourings and colorings. Add some salt to Cool-Help, and you will have the same thing. You would vastly improve in drinking spring water or weakened newly pressed juices while working out. Also, add some lemons to your sweet drinks. Sweet drinks are mostly acidic in nature  and although lemon tastes acidic, when it enters the body, it turns to alkaline, which is very needed by your body.

Artificial Sugars
Many individuals consuming fewer calories, whether low-calorie or low-carb, will choose drinks with fake sugars rather than sugar. It is a miscreant and should be kept away; however, counterfeit sugars are more regrettable for you and might be hazardous to your well-being.

Every one of the counterfeit sugars is terrible, yet one of the most obviously awful sugars for us is NutraSweet (equivalent to aspartame). -There are nearly 92 unique well-being-related secondary effects related to aspartame utilization, including mind cancers, congenital disabilities, diabetes, profound issues, and epilepsy/seizures. There are more unfavourable responses to NutraSweet submitted to the FDA than any remaining food sources and added substances consolidated.

Stevia, a plant-based sugar, is a vastly improved alternative to synthetically determined sugars. It has been utilized for a long time with no known incidental effects. Stevia is available in most plant-based or organic stores in most countries.

Energy  Drinks


Most games and bars are additionally loaded with things that are not awesome for our bodies and are minimally better than treats. Many common ingredients include chemicals, preservatives, synthetic nutrients, and sugar or artificial sweeteners. Check the fixings before you purchase an energy bar. Attempt to find one made with whole food sources such as oats, flax seeds, organic products, and normal sugars. The sad thing is that few people will add alcohol to energy drinks for reasons best known to them. Know that energy drinks are made up of chemical elements, so adding alcohol to them may create a combination of chemical formulas that might not be healthy for your body. Especially your lungs, heart, and kidneys.

Soy Drinks
This is one of the most amazing ones; soy has been utilized for endless ages in Asia. In any case, how we currently use soy is different from how Asians have generally utilized it. The antiquated Asians realized that the soybean was challenging to process. Hence, they had broad maturing processes that stalled the more significant parts of the inedible parts, making them much better to eat. Products like miso, tempeh, and soy sauce are examples of this. These were utilized in modest quantities as toppings and flavourings, not as a meat substitution.

However, because soy contains a significant amount of toxins or antinutrients, the method by which we use it as a meat substitute (texturized vegetable protein) can be extremely harmful. Some of the issues the counter supplements in soybeans cause are states of the pancreas, disease, and thyroid issues. Soybeans can additionally obstruct the body’s ingestion of fundamental minerals.

Granola (and Other Ill-equipped Grains)


For the last 30–40 years, granola has been inseparable from healthy food. Eating ill-equipped grains, or grains that poor people have splashed, matured, or grown, has occurred in the last 50–100 years. Individuals who lived before our time comprehended that ill-equipped grains could cause dietary pain. Mostly sweet with artificial brown sugar.

One thing you should bear in mind is that there are enemies of supplements in grains (like phytic corrosives and catalyst inhibitors in soybeans, for example) that make them harder to process. These antinutrients can lead to complex issues like Crohn’s disease, colitis, and, surprisingly, mental problems. Lactic infections are common because we cannot appropriately set up our grains. Therefore, we steer clear of granola. Oats are a great addition to our eating regimens, yet we utilize entire moved oats (not moments) and splash them short-term before bubbling them for breakfast.

Whole-grain sourdough and sprouted-grain bread are healthy breads made with well-prepared grains. These are typically available in health food and special grocery stores.

Assuming you have plans to get thinner or potentially eat better, remember that just because an organization showcases a healthy item well or a well-being food store sells it, it doesn’t imply that it is brilliant for you. Exercising daily is a good way to lose some weight. Do some examination before you snatch that sports bar, or even better, go after a natural apple, cherries, or another normal (not handled) food. Your body will thank you and award you for it. Advertising organizations are in for the money, so they spend vast amounts on advertising and sponsoring programs that normally have to do with children. The best way to do this is to do some reading and research. First, know your blood group and genotype. This will inform you which sugar source will be fine for your body.

Sugarcane and honey are really good sources of organic and good sugar. Unless your immune system reacts or is allergic, these two are very good ways to put sugar in your body.