Grow Happiness Your With Connection And Gratitude

Some people become angry because they perceive negativity in everything they say. Some people become angry because they perceive negativity in everything they say. Some people become angry because they perceive negativity in everything they say. When I was young, I believed everything people told me.

I really thought that there were many good reasons to be unhappy, such as bad health, bad weather, lack of civilisation, having neighbours, spouses, and children (including myself), and limited funds. Kindly note that, before, I held the notion that circumstances were unchangeable and we lacked the ability to change them. It was called fate or something. It was beneficial to pray. Don’t wish your life were better. Not at all! So that God could forgive me, I learned how to pray. My friends and I got along well, and I did well in school. I also helped out around the house. On top of that, it was challenging for me to keep finding sins to confess every week. But they insisted that I go to confession anyway, saying that people are naturally bad. The few nuns at school found a better way to help us: they planned out our mistakes. Every Wednesday, the nuns gave us a pink piece of paper to write these mistakes on. I remember feeling sorry for the poor priest who had to hide in his little black cabin all day and listen to 600 little girls tell him about their sins.

Photo: Pexels

They talked about the same things over and over. Things were never quite right for me as a child. Being bad by doing things that someone else made up is not a sign of life. I wasn’t going to confess any more sins that I hadn’t committed. Daily prayer wouldn’t make things better. I couldn’t believe I was causing so much pain in my life! When I was 26, I went to Africa. That’s where I met my Belgian husband, and we had a wonderful time. There was plenty of money and sunshine, which are two things that most people would be pleased about. I used to think that people only complained when they had a beneficial reason, like harsh weather , either too cold or hot, not having enough money, etc. However, the experiences I gained there profoundly changed my perspective. My white friends kept complaining about things like the heat, having to deal with five workers, and the high cost of goods, even though they were making five times as much money as they were before. Right away, I knew that the complaints were not based on facts. What else did I notice? The black people, who lived in their villages and had limited resources, did not complain. I was interested in them because they always seemed to have a big smile on their faces while we were complaining about everything. How is it possible? I saw that the complaints had nothing to do with what was outside.

It turned into a way of life. After that, I became interested in where this habit came from. I investigated the lifestyle of the locals and observed how it differed from ours. When I finally found the answer, my whole life changed. Two major things set them apart from us:. The first difference is that everyone in town can get help. They stay together. They don’t push out those who don’t fit the mold. We send those who don’t follow the rules to an “institution.” Many people feel left out when they can’t keep up with society’s rapid pace. Students can go to school to meet other people who understand how they feel. Most of the facilities housing these individuals have walls thick enough to conceal them. They look more like jails than places to stay. Which people hide behind walls to avoid trouble because they don’t fit in? People on this list are sick, disabled, dangerous, mentally retarded or troubled, too slow to go to special schools, too difficult to manage, or too old and worn out to live in fancy homes.

In Africa, everyone resides in their own town, receiving care and love. Prison only houses the most dangerous individuals. Everyone has a group of friends they can turn to for help. You don’t have to stay away from other people just because you can’t walk or think slowly. They lived together, while I came to the conclusion that most of our complaints come from a deep-seated feeling of being alone and lonely. Each of these individuals has a connection to something greater than their personal existence. They genuinely believe that a god watches over them. Finally, they dedicated a significant portion of their time to activities that brought happiness to their god(s), while maintaining their health and ensuring a bountiful harvest. After giving these two differences a lot of thought, I believe that two of the most important things that make people content are having strong connections with other people and with something bigger than ourselves.

It’s all about getting together. connect with each other. We make connections with people around the world. Along the way, I learned that beneficial things can only happen if we keep in touch with each other and the rest of the world. Initially, I began to learn about what governs the universe, and I worked hard to help people connect with the world and each other. In fact, this became the primary reason for my existence. A lot of people think they can’t get any help and have to do everything themselves. It’s not true. Something greater than yourself loves and guides you. Feel free to use this link as much as you can.

Make time to connect with the source every day. Like the Africans I met many years ago, connect with yourself, the world, and the people around you in a real way. Don’t depend too much on other people. You will never be lonely again, and you will be able to love a lot more people. If you stay connected, you won’t worry about the things you used to worry about. Something that makes you unhappy? Your worries will turn into thanks! Thank everyone for the beneficial things that have happened to you and the beneficial things that might still happen. Thank you from the bottom of your heart to everyone who has loved you and will continue to love you. Consider yourself lucky that you can wave your hand and get clean water from the tap. A lot of people have to walk six hours a day just to get water, and some people die of thirst. Thank God for lights that you can flick on and off.

A lot of places in the world don’t have electricity! Thanks for the different kinds of food you get every day. A lot of people can only eat one meal a day or are just plain hungry. We’re grateful for many things.