Leadership Qualification: What Kind Are You?

Who exactly is a leader? Who should lead? How does a leader looks like? Would you describe yourself as a leader?

A person who is in control of a group, country, or situation is referred to as a leader, as stated by the definition provided by the Cambridge dictionary:

To be a leader, one must first establish that goal, then win the willing agreement of others to be governed by that goal, and finally, one must achieve that goal together with others. You are also considered a leader if you have followers who follow you. Being a leader in your home, community, workplace, or even nation could amount to something as simple as one person watching you and following your example and encouragement. It could also be as complex as being a leader in your nation.

One of the most challenging tasks is managing people, which is one of the many forms that leadership can take. However, leadership typically involves managing people. Coordinating and motivating the actions of other people in order to accomplish a common objective is what it means.

An artistic representation of leadership. Photo: Pexels

The majority of people are of the opinion that you are a leader to the extent that other people are following you. On the other hand, Myles Munroe said it perfectly.

If you have an effect on the people around you, then you are a leader. However some persons have different opionion. You have a leadership position in the field of gifting, and not in the field of people. It was Myles Munroe who said that. When it comes to leadership, the personality and values that motivate a person are typically the most important factors in determining the style of leadership that they will adopt. It is because of their personality that they are who they are, and this has a significant impact on the manner in which they lead and communicate with other people.The investigation of personality characteristics has been going on for centuries, and throughout that time, there has been a great deal of consensus regarding the conclusions and findings of personality characteristics. I will be referring to the various types of personalities in colour form throughout this article. I will be adopting the categories that Linda Berens and Don Lowry have applied.

Each and every personality type possesses a unique set of abilities and skills that are conducive to effective leadership capabilities. Any form of leadership, on the other hand, is significantly enriched and improved if it is able to draw on the qualities and strengths that are associated with the other styles of leadership.

A person who possesses a strong Gold personality type is one who is personally committed and dedicated to the goal it is working towards. They put in a lot of effort, and they anticipate that their team will do the same. The belief that the work is important and must be done correctly is the foundation upon which they build their leadership. Gold leaders place a high value on tradition; the methods that have been used in the past have been demonstrated to be effective. As a result, they are not receptive to novel concepts unless they have been demonstrated to have the potential to be successful.

When it comes to leadership, those who have a strong Blue personality are driven by their dedication to the people involved and their strong sense of community. To begin with, there are many managerial management styles, their management style is democratic, and they place a high value on the contributions made by employees and members of the team. Leaders who are blue have a tendency to see the big picture and have the ability to motivate others with their passion for the vision. However, Richard did conduct research and analysis on various facts and ideas, and they are always looking for ways to improve their work so that they are more efficient and productive. The leader of the Green movement places a high value on facts and information, but they pay little attention to the significance of feelings and relationships.

A strong Green leadership style is one that is able to see both the big picture and the complexities of the details surrounding it. In terms of strategy, green leaders excel. When it comes to leadership, they bring intelligence, inventiveness, and design to the table.

The leader of the Orange team is focused on taking action. Action is only possible because of the existence of administration and organisation. They have excellent problem-solving skills. The Orange leader is the one who set the standard for others to follow by leading by example. Adventure, a new challenge, and the possibility of having fun are all things that the Orange personality thrives on, and a new project represents all of these things. As a result of their impatience with opposition and their expectation that their directions will be followed, orange management styles can be quite authoritarian and abrupt. First and foremost, Orange leaders are open to change and have the belief that the traditional methods can always be improved upon.

There is a combination of all four personalities that are present in every leader, but there is always going to be one that is the more powerful and natural way to function. There is also the possibility that a leader’s style is a combination of their primary strength and their second strongest personal style. An astute leader will be aware of the positives and negatives associated with their own personal leadership style, and they will make use of members of the team who have different styles in order to achieve greater efficiency and balance in the process of achieving the common objective.