Who Really Is the AntiChrist?

Lots of people around the world think that the Antichrist will lose the Battle of Armageddon at the end of time. People have been lied to again, and I’m sorry to say it. Most of the people who say these things are preachers who want to scare people into giving money. People think they need to send more money to these end-of-the-world prophets so they can get their word to everyone else. They play on people’s fears and beliefs that they are good. Today I’m going to tell you that there is no devil, just like there is no boogie man. In fact, it’s easy to understand who the devil really is.

image: Pexels.com

During Christ’s time, they endured, and there are still many of them today. It made a lot of sense that line. It makes sense to go to the only source that can tell us who these men and women are. At the very end of most Bibles, there is a list of words that match. Find the word “antichrist” in the Bible and see how many times it shows up. If you haven’t already, you might be interested to know that the Bible only talks about the devil four times. Friends, neither a man nor a woman will be picked out as the Antichrist. Sorry to break your bubble, but the devil is not just one person like Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, or even the Catholic Pope, as some people think. There are many of them. They were here in the first century; they will be here until Christ comes back for the second time, and they are still here now.

We can look up word definitions to figure out what and who the devil is, even without reading the Bible. That was the simple thing I was referring to in the first sentence. Even though everyone knows who Christ is, the words “anti” and “Christ” have confused some people. Just what does the word mean? Webster says that the word “anti” means the opposite of something in terms of type, place, or action. Against or against someone Defending against. This word “anti” means the same thing whether you use it alone or with “anti- or anti-abortion.” To be against abortion, then, is to be against it. I think you get where I’m going with this now. The fact that this is so easy to understand makes you wonder why it hasn’t been taught this way before. This way of looking at it has been said before, but it’s not a common one.

Most of the time, we have the most trouble with things or ideas that are right in front of us. Please read I John 1:7, 2:18–22, and 4:1–6 to learn what the Bible says about the end-time leader. Are you beginning to see what’s going on? Someone who is against Christ is called the antichrist. That person didn’t believe that Christ came in the flesh. There are many antichrists, not just one. These antichrists don’t believe in the father or the son. So simple and plain. Antichrist is just a word for someone who is against Christ. The first and second books This is John, the prophet. John was written before he was sent away to the island of Patmos to write the book of Revelation. John is known as the “apostle of love” because he always wrote about how important it is to love each other. John, an elder in the church in Ephesus, is like a bishop, leader, or shepherd. He regularly wrote to Christians from the second and third generations who were having questions about Jesus. They didn’t know if Jesus was really holy and God’s son.

The AntiChrist. Photo: Pexels

The new Christians never got to meet Jesus, spend time with him, get to know him, or see that he was real. John saw Christ with his own eyes and could help them because of this. The people who were antichrists used to go to church and were Christians. But when no one was looking, they showed what kind of people they really were, even though they said they were Christians. They looked at and talked about the part from the outside. Some of the new believers might be easy to trick. The world loves false preachers because they tell people what they want to hear. In the first century, it was the same. They need to pay attention to the last hour.

Please keep in mind that this has nothing to do with the second coming. It only talks about the time before it. Christians live in the same last hour as them. Their troubles, though, were their own, and they still are today. John’s letters were meant to reassure them that their faith in God is real. They were actually being warned about what to look out for and how to be careful with the lessons. He told them that people should not let them into their homes if they didn’t bring the lessons of God with them.

Here is a summary of what the Bible verses that talk about the antichrist mean. John tells them that the devil is coming and that many of them are already there. They were among the Christians who turned away from the church. An antichrist was someone who rejected the Father and the Son. There are many antichrists, not just one. People paid attention to the antichrist and fake preachers because they said what people wanted to hear.

So therefore, the antichrist is anyone who stands against the word of God and tries everything to ridicule the Bible. Many are looking out for some black beast with a scary face, an ugly body, and very long nails. Well, if you had that notion, you are wrong. It could just be a friend or relative of yours who will always be considerate and make fun of the Bible. Such people have the perception of being clever and intelligent; however, according to the Bible, the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. Let us all do well to speak to such people and bring them to the kingdom of God rather than for them to go to Hello.

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